Down 1.2 pounds. After a pretty so-so eating/ exercising week, I'll definitely take the loss :)
I spoke with my leader at the meeting about my newfound reluctance to count points and she made a pretty compelling case for why I should start counting points again. She said that for the first few weeks after you stop counting points, you still have a pretty good sense of portions. But that after a few weeks it's likely that you begin to get a little sloppy, and you will stop losing. She reminded me of how far I've come and asked me to please try to count points for this week. So I will.
So far, I've had the following:
B: Coffee with cream (1)
L: Rice (1/2 cup) (3)
Lentils with spinach (1)
Small piece of salmon (3)
Raita (2)
Total: 10
That's not so bad, since I still have 16 points left for the day.
I know that I sound like a broken record, but I also NEED to exercise more frequently. Well, wish me luck, and happy Thursday!
Awesome job! Keep up the good work! I'm new to your blog and the blog world myself! I've enjoyed reading! Oh yea... Im also a newbe to WW!